how to publish a blog post

how to publish a blog post

If you want to post a message as a member, please log in first. You do this by filling in the login screen at the bottom left of the page. Your username is always your boat’s name. Your password is set by the webmaster as a combination of your postcode and house number. Do not use spaces, the letters of the postcode as capitals, followed by a hash # and your house number, possibly with an addition in lower case. Example: XX12XX#123a.

In principle, logins are only given to members of the Nicholson Circle. Membership is limited to Nicholson owners or ex-owners who wish to remain associated. Overseas Nicholson owners are welcome as associate members. Just sind tthe following detail to the webmaster: your name, type of Nicholson, preferably with build number, hull colour for easy recognition and home port. You will be inserted into the list of associate members and your Nicholson will be added to the interactive map

Once logged in, you’ll see a black menu on top of your screen. Somewhere in the middle you will see + New.

Put your mouse there, and select ‘Post” in the dropdown menu.

You now will enter a screen where you can type your message title and content.

Some find it easieer to first type the article in a word processor and then copy-paste it into the site.

Once the article and title have been written, it’s time for an image. Click on the plus like in the screenshot below.

You will now be requested to select a block, and you choose the ‘image’ one.

Once clicked, you will open the upload/select screen of the image.

You can either select to upload an image, or to publish an image fro an external URL. You will need to enter the complete URL, including https://

If you want to continue to write after inserting the image, just click on the plus and keep writing.

Once your article is finished, publish it by clicking on the ‘publish’ button on the top right op the page. If you find a typo after publishing the article, you can correct it by clicking ‘edit post’ in the black menu beam at the top.